Friday, December 10, 2010

Jingle Bell Jingling!

It is around the corner again!
Years flies, I didn't accomplish much,
and 2010 is heading to the last day already. :(

9th December 2010,
a night out with some friends,
Great friends, they are!
Since Christmas around the corner,
lets have a wish list.
Mine will be easy,
"Someone please throw a party, and everyone of us,
will gather in ONE,
and approximately 15-20 of us will squeeze ourselves
and get ourselves twisted while we play the Twister!"

I would love to see them all twisted in a small mat,
I wanna snap a group photo in that moment,
it will really show us the bond and relationship that we had built
throughout all these years!

Anyway, a photo from the outing,
captured with Ipod,
Classic & Typical is what I would called ourselves! B)

Don't we all look great and fantastic while trying so hard to act like the clown?
That's me, the fourth from left!


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